YourVietBooks: International Relations - One Definition A Day: Eu...: "IR: One Definition A Day European Convention on Human Rights Established since 1953 the Convention sought to create machinery for the pr..."
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Jun 29, 2011
IR - One Definition A Day: European Convention on Human Rights
IR - One Definition A Day
European Convention on Human Rights
Established since 1953 the Convention sought to create machinery for the protection of human rights among signatory states. To this end it is probably the most sophisticated multilateral treaty in so far it provides for a Commission which determines the admissibility of petitions and a Court of Human Rights which sits at Strasbourg to provide rulings on the cases presented. Most observers agree, though, that the Convetnion and the Institutions it established tend to favour 'the hight contracting parties' (i.e. member states) rather than individuals. the decisions of the Court as to the violation of rights are binding but generally enforcement depends on voluntary compliance since few sanctions, short of outright expulsion from the Council of Europe, are provided for. Apart from its intrincic importance in the development of human rights legislation, the Convention is significant in that it can and does command wide media coverage and public interest, it does seek to provide outside protection for individuals against national government and it could be seen as a role model for future world developments under the auspices of the UN.
View under 'Comments' the proposed translation by YourVietnamExpert Translators
French Translation by Anh Tho Andres
Vietnamese Translation by Kim Hoàng
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
European Convention on Human Rights
Established since 1953 the Convention sought to create machinery for the protection of human rights among signatory states. To this end it is probably the most sophisticated multilateral treaty in so far it provides for a Commission which determines the admissibility of petitions and a Court of Human Rights which sits at Strasbourg to provide rulings on the cases presented. Most observers agree, though, that the Convetnion and the Institutions it established tend to favour 'the hight contracting parties' (i.e. member states) rather than individuals. the decisions of the Court as to the violation of rights are binding but generally enforcement depends on voluntary compliance since few sanctions, short of outright expulsion from the Council of Europe, are provided for. Apart from its intrincic importance in the development of human rights legislation, the Convention is significant in that it can and does command wide media coverage and public interest, it does seek to provide outside protection for individuals against national government and it could be seen as a role model for future world developments under the auspices of the UN.
View under 'Comments' the proposed translation by YourVietnamExpert Translators
French Translation by Anh Tho Andres
Vietnamese Translation by Kim Hoàng
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Jun 28, 2011
YourVietBooks: F.N.G Revised Edition by Donald Bodey
YourVietBooks: F.N.G Revised Edition by Donald Bodey: "Original Title in English: F.N.G By Author: Donald Bodey ISBN: 1932590690 280 pages Book Review: Everyone is gunning for the New Guy. ..."
New items in German available
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
New items in German available
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Jun 26, 2011
F.N.G Revised Edition by Donald Bodey

ISBN: 1932590690
280 pages
Book Review:
Everyone is gunning for the New Guy.Gabriel Sauers of Two Squad is a soldier, newly arrived in Vietnam - a country to beautiful to invite savagely unreal a war. But Gabriel won't be a New Guy for a long. He'll go through incoming mortars, he will see the enemy alive. He'll wander through a hell that will turn the green recruit lucky enough to survive into a death-hardened veteren, longing for nothing more than to return to the world of hot bath or cold beer, no bullet or no noise. Now, 40 years later, he is grappling with an action on the verge of his grandson Seth's deployment to Iraq that will change both their lives forever.
What are people saying about F.N.G
"The day to day grind, beautiflully and touchingly rendered by...a Vietnam veteren, is told with an unrelenting accumulation of detail." - The New York Times Book Reviews"Bodey packs a considerable emotional freight into style that remains deliberately supple, cool, declarative... An impressive novel" - The Cleverland Plain Dealer
"A harrowing vividly written account of hell with a leavenly of light moments. A revelation for one who wasn't there. Painful for those who were" - Bod Mason, author of CHICKENHAKW
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. Our qualified and experienced translators can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. Our qualified and experienced translators can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes.
Jun 23, 2011
Investitionsführer Vietnam 2007

Original Title in German:
Investitionsführer Vietnam 2007
Politische und wirtschaftliche Voraussetzungen zur Geschäftstätigkeit in Vietnam
By Author: Dühn Matthias
By Author: Dühn Matthias
Publisher: F.A.Z Institut und Rödl & Partner
ISBN: 9783899818123
ISBN: 9783899818123
Book Review:
Die Investitionsführer informieren über rechtliche, wirtschaftliche und politische Rahmenbedingungen und unterstützen so beim Markteintritt im Ausland. Auch erhalten Sie einen Überblick über Strukturen, Standorten und Branchen
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Business in Vietnam,
Jun 19, 2011
Contemporary Vietnam: A Guide to Economic and Political Developments

Original Title in English: Contemporary Vietnam: A Guide to Economic and Political Developments
By Author: Ian Jeffries (Swansea University)
Publisher: Routledge Chapman & Hall
ISBN: 0415604001
238 pages
Book Review:
This book provides full details of economic and political developments in Vietnam. Key topics covered include Vietnam's success, in general, in maintaining high rates of growth in the face of problems such as inflation and the financial crisis; continuing economic reforms; foreign trade and investment; battles agains corruption; population growth; the determination of the Communist Party to maintain its hold on power; and Vietnam's response to publich health problems such as AIDS, SARS and bird flu.
About the author:
Ian Jeffries is Honorary Professor in the Department of Economics at Swansea University. His recent publications include two volumes covering Economic and Political Developments in Contemporary China, alongside many books in the Routledge series , Guides to Economic and Political Developments in Asia, covering China, North Korea and Mongolia.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. Our qualified and experienced translators can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Contact
contemporary Vietnam,
Working with Emotional Intelligence
Original Title in English
By Author Daniel Goleman
Publisher Bloomsbury London
ISBN 97807475 45804
Proposed Translation in LANGUAGE
On Emotional Intelligence
'Emotional Intelligence' refers to the capacity for recognizing one own feeling and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. It describes abilities distinct from, but complementary to, academic intelligence, the purely cognitive capacities measured by IQ. Many people who are book smart but lack emotional intelligence end up working for people who have lower IQ's than they, but who excel in emotional intelligence skills.
These two different kinds of intelligence- intellectual and emotional - express the activity of different parts of the brain. The intellect is based solely on the workings of the neocortex, the more recently involved layers at the top of the brain. The emotional centers are lower in the brain, in the more ancient subcortex; emotional intelligence involves these emotional centers at work, in concert with the intellectual centers.
Among the most influential theorists of intelligence to point out the distinction between intellectual and emotional capacities was Howard Gardner, a Harvard psychologist, who in 1983 proposed a widely regarded model of 'multiple intelligence'. His list of seven kinds of intelligence included not just the familiar verbal and math abilities, but also two 'personal' varieties: knowing one's inner world and social adeptness.
A comprehensive theory of emotional intelligence was proposed in 1990 by two psychologists. Peter Salovey, at Yale, and John Mayer, now at the University of New Hampshire. Another pioneering model of emotional intelligence was proposed in the 1980's by Reuber Bar-On, an Istraeli psychologist. And in recent years several other theorists have proposed variations on the same idea. Salovey and Mayer defined emotional intelligence in terms of being able to monitor and regulate one's own and others' feelings, and to use feelings to guide thought and action.
While they have continued to fine-tune the theory, I have adapted their model into a version I find most useful for understanding how these talents matter in work life. My adaptation includes these five basic emotional and social competencies:
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
By Author Daniel Goleman
Publisher Bloomsbury London
ISBN 97807475 45804
Proposed Translation in LANGUAGE
On Emotional Intelligence
'Emotional Intelligence' refers to the capacity for recognizing one own feeling and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. It describes abilities distinct from, but complementary to, academic intelligence, the purely cognitive capacities measured by IQ. Many people who are book smart but lack emotional intelligence end up working for people who have lower IQ's than they, but who excel in emotional intelligence skills.
These two different kinds of intelligence- intellectual and emotional - express the activity of different parts of the brain. The intellect is based solely on the workings of the neocortex, the more recently involved layers at the top of the brain. The emotional centers are lower in the brain, in the more ancient subcortex; emotional intelligence involves these emotional centers at work, in concert with the intellectual centers.
Among the most influential theorists of intelligence to point out the distinction between intellectual and emotional capacities was Howard Gardner, a Harvard psychologist, who in 1983 proposed a widely regarded model of 'multiple intelligence'. His list of seven kinds of intelligence included not just the familiar verbal and math abilities, but also two 'personal' varieties: knowing one's inner world and social adeptness.
A comprehensive theory of emotional intelligence was proposed in 1990 by two psychologists. Peter Salovey, at Yale, and John Mayer, now at the University of New Hampshire. Another pioneering model of emotional intelligence was proposed in the 1980's by Reuber Bar-On, an Istraeli psychologist. And in recent years several other theorists have proposed variations on the same idea. Salovey and Mayer defined emotional intelligence in terms of being able to monitor and regulate one's own and others' feelings, and to use feelings to guide thought and action.
While they have continued to fine-tune the theory, I have adapted their model into a version I find most useful for understanding how these talents matter in work life. My adaptation includes these five basic emotional and social competencies:
- Self-awareness: Knowing what we are feeling in the moment, and using those preferences to guide our decision making; having a realistic assessment of our own abilities and a wellgrounded sense of self-confidence.
- Self-regulation: Handling our emotions so that they facilitate rather than interfere with the task at hand; being conscientious and delaying gratification to pursue goals; recovering well from emotional distress.
- Motivation: Using our deepest preferences to move and guide us toward our goals, to help us take initiative and strive to improve, and to perserver in the face of setbacks and frustrations.
- Empathy: Sensing what people are feeling being able to take their perspective, and cultivating rapport and attunement with a broad diversity of people.
- Social skills: Handling emotions in relationships well and accurately reading social situations and networks; interacting smoothly; using these skills to persuade and lead, negotiate and settle disputes, for cooperation and teamwork.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Jun 17, 2011
myUBISclass: Communication at work (week 7&8) - Part B - Interp...
myUBISclass: Communication at work (week 7&8) - Part B - Interp...: "Interpersonal Skills p. 136 Objectives Describe the communication climate in a working environment, identify the messages that have hel..."
Dear All,
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Dear All,
This is the last lesson for this module.
You will have to prepare the Final Assignment (will be discussed in class today) and hand it in to me by 29 June. The marks will be added to the overall work of the term.
Professor Anh Tho Andres, MBA
Module C
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks: Communicating at Work - Interpersonal Skills
YourVietBooks: Communicating at Work - Interpersonal Skills: "Original Title in English: 'Communicating at Work, Principles and Practices for Business and Professions' By Authors: Ronald B. Adler, Jean..."
Translators, try out your skills with 'Communicating at work' and get assignments with
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Translators, try out your skills with 'Communicating at work' and get assignments with
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Communicating at Work - Interpersonal Skills
Original Title in English: 'Communicating at Work, Principles and Practices for Business and Professions'
By Authors: Ronald B. Adler, Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst
Publisher: McGraw-Hill International Edition, 9th edition, Singapore
ISBN: 978-007-126575-9
Proposed Translation in LANGUAGE by TRANSLATOR
Book Review: This text book is used as teaching material at UBIS-University of Business and International Studies, Geneva. or see
About the Author(s)
Ronald B. Adler is on the faculty of Santa Barbara City College, where he specialises in organisational and interpersonal communication. He is the author of 'Confidence in Communication: A Guide to Assertive and Social Skills' and coauthor of 'Understanding Human Communication, Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication' as well as the widely used text 'Looking Out/ Looking In'. Professor Adler is a consultant for a number of corporate, professional, and government clients and leads workshops in such areas as conflict resolution, presentational speaking, team building and interviewing.
Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst is an instructor in communication studies at Central New Mexico Community College in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her courses reflect the variety in the communication discipline: business and professional, public speaking, listening, intercultural, and interpersonal. Jeanne lived and taught in Asia for three years and continues to find opportunities to travel, to study and volunteer in other countries. She enjoys designing and presenting communication training for business and not-for-profit clients.
People Skills
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
By Authors: Ronald B. Adler, Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst
Publisher: McGraw-Hill International Edition, 9th edition, Singapore
ISBN: 978-007-126575-9
Proposed Translation in LANGUAGE by TRANSLATOR
Book Review: This text book is used as teaching material at UBIS-University of Business and International Studies, Geneva. or see
About the Author(s)
Ronald B. Adler is on the faculty of Santa Barbara City College, where he specialises in organisational and interpersonal communication. He is the author of 'Confidence in Communication: A Guide to Assertive and Social Skills' and coauthor of 'Understanding Human Communication, Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication' as well as the widely used text 'Looking Out/ Looking In'. Professor Adler is a consultant for a number of corporate, professional, and government clients and leads workshops in such areas as conflict resolution, presentational speaking, team building and interviewing.
Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst is an instructor in communication studies at Central New Mexico Community College in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Her courses reflect the variety in the communication discipline: business and professional, public speaking, listening, intercultural, and interpersonal. Jeanne lived and taught in Asia for three years and continues to find opportunities to travel, to study and volunteer in other countries. She enjoys designing and presenting communication training for business and not-for-profit clients.
People Skills
People skills are an essential ingredient for success in any career. These skills create a positive communication climate in which people feel valued. The key to building a positive climate is confirming communication, which conveys respect for the other person, even during a conflict. Confirming messages are phrased in descriptive 'I' language. They focus on solving problems, not imposing solutions. They are honest, show concern for the other party, demonstrate an attitude of equality, and reflect the communicators's open-mindedness.
One way to create and maintain a positive communication climate is to offer praise. There are several guidelines for praising effectively: Make praise specific and sincere, praise progress, praise intermittently, and relay praise to others.
In the real world of business, however, praise is not always appropriate; sometimes criticism must be given. The climate of a relationship can be enhanced by offering criticism in the most constructive manner. The chances of acceptance of criticism are best when a critical message is framed in a way that considers the content by limiting remarkes to one topic, making sure they are accurate, defining the problem clearly, and showing how attending to the criticism can benefit the recipient. Choosing the most credible critic and making sure the remarks are appropriate to the context is another way to maximise the chances that criticism will be well received: delivering remarks as part of a positive relationship, accepting partial responsibility for the problem, and accompanying criticism with an offer to help. Finally delivering the criticism in a face-saving manner and a nonjudgmental tone can lead to a nondefensive response.
When on the receiving end of another person's cirticism, several responses can prevent defensiveness. One approach is to seek more information by asking for examples or clarification, guessing about details when necessary, paraphrasing the critic, and asking what the critic wants. Agreeing with the facts of the criticism or with the critic's perception are also potentially effective.
On-the-job conflicts are inevitable so it is important to handle them constructively. Understanding that conflicts are not all the same requires communicatiors to first explore whether the conflict is about a topic, a process, the relationship, or one's ego. Second, recognise that one can choose from five ways to handle conflict: avoiding, accomodating, competing, collaborating, or compromising. Each has both advantages and drawbacks, sosituational factors will usually govern which one to use at a given time.
Next, consider how you will negotiate a mutually acceptable agreement. Negotiations can take four forms: competitive, lose-lose, compromise and win-win. The approach that parties take often determines the outcome.
Successful negotiating includes these steps: Clarify your interests and needs by distinguishing between ends and means, pay attention to timing, and prepare nondefensive ways to begin. Then follow steps of a win-win approach by identifying each parties' ends, brainstorming, evaluating possible solutions, implementing and following up on a solution.
Further readings on Conflict and Conflict Management
'The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defence' - provides a method of using words to deal with conflict situations.
'Work 911' provides over 1000 articles organised into categories of communication, anger management, work-related issues, and stress.
'Workplace Solutions' is a chock-full resources and links to articles that deal with conflict resolution and reducing violence in the workplace.
The International Association for Conflict Management brings scholars and practitioners together to study and develop conflict management skills in many settings. Find links to articles, research, and more organisations.
Further readings on Conflict and Conflict Management
'The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defence' - provides a method of using words to deal with conflict situations.
'Work 911' provides over 1000 articles organised into categories of communication, anger management, work-related issues, and stress.
'Workplace Solutions' is a chock-full resources and links to articles that deal with conflict resolution and reducing violence in the workplace.
The International Association for Conflict Management brings scholars and practitioners together to study and develop conflict management skills in many settings. Find links to articles, research, and more organisations.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.

Original Title in English: Vietnam (Vietnam Footprint Vietnam Handbook)
By Author: Claire Boobbyer
Publisher: Footprint
By Author: Claire Boobbyer
Publisher: Footprint
ISBN: 1906098131
496 pages, 5th edition
Backcover: From watery plains to mountain scenery and magical deserted beaches. War wounds and historical symbolism. Crossing the Mekong Delta and trekking oportunities in Northern Vietnam. All you need to know about navigating communist bureaucracy with a sense of humor. Highly regarded war history and background section.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Vietnam History
Jun 13, 2011
YourVietBooks: Wie Siddhartha zum Buddha wurde
YourVietBooks: Wie Siddhartha zum Buddha wurde: "Original Title in German:Wie Siddhartha zum Buddha wurde By Author: Thich Nhat Hanh Publisher : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv) Backc..."
German books
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
German books
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
IR - One Definition A Day: Act of War
IR - One Definition A Day
Act of war
Any act which is incompatible with a state of peace. Under customary international law states had the right to resort to war whenever they deemed it necessary. The principal restraint upon this behaviour was thus the laws of warfare. Distinction must immediately be made between the laws covering the conduct of war - jus in bello - and the laws governing the resort to conflict - jus ad bellum. The idea of an act of war, therefore, properly comes under jus ad bellum.
Before the establishment of universal international institutions in the twentieth century, there was a good deal of auto-interpretation attached to this concept. In practice, states could decide for themselves what constituted an act of war. Once war had been declared between the parties then notice was served upon the whole state system that relations had changed from peace to war.
A complicating factor in this was the alliance. States entering alliances took upon themselves obligations to fight each other's wars. If the alliance was to function properly the parties needed to know what constituted an act of war against themselves whereby the alliance would become operational. This is referred to as the casus foederis.
The current century has seen important changes in the laws of war, both ad bellum and in bello. Treaty law, such as that set out in the United Nations Charter, now draws a clear distinction between the legal and illegal use of force. The presumption is now made that force can only be used in self-defence. In the absence of more effective means of conflict resolution, states will resort to force.
The twentieth century has required its statements to be more imaginative in seeking justification for doing so than in the past. At the same time, use of less direct modes of aggression, such as guerrilla warfare, have made it more difficult to apply the laws of war.
External intervention in civil wars has become widespread in the twentieth century. Some of the most intractable regional conflicts - such as the Arab-Israeli conflict - originated as communal differences. In sum, just as international lawyers have attempted to establish new criteria for the use of force, other developments have increased uncertainties belligerency.
View under 'Comments' the proposed translation by YourVietnamExpert Translators
French Translation by Anh Tho Andres
Vietnamese Translation by
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Act of war
Any act which is incompatible with a state of peace. Under customary international law states had the right to resort to war whenever they deemed it necessary. The principal restraint upon this behaviour was thus the laws of warfare. Distinction must immediately be made between the laws covering the conduct of war - jus in bello - and the laws governing the resort to conflict - jus ad bellum. The idea of an act of war, therefore, properly comes under jus ad bellum.
Before the establishment of universal international institutions in the twentieth century, there was a good deal of auto-interpretation attached to this concept. In practice, states could decide for themselves what constituted an act of war. Once war had been declared between the parties then notice was served upon the whole state system that relations had changed from peace to war.
A complicating factor in this was the alliance. States entering alliances took upon themselves obligations to fight each other's wars. If the alliance was to function properly the parties needed to know what constituted an act of war against themselves whereby the alliance would become operational. This is referred to as the casus foederis.
The current century has seen important changes in the laws of war, both ad bellum and in bello. Treaty law, such as that set out in the United Nations Charter, now draws a clear distinction between the legal and illegal use of force. The presumption is now made that force can only be used in self-defence. In the absence of more effective means of conflict resolution, states will resort to force.
The twentieth century has required its statements to be more imaginative in seeking justification for doing so than in the past. At the same time, use of less direct modes of aggression, such as guerrilla warfare, have made it more difficult to apply the laws of war.
External intervention in civil wars has become widespread in the twentieth century. Some of the most intractable regional conflicts - such as the Arab-Israeli conflict - originated as communal differences. In sum, just as international lawyers have attempted to establish new criteria for the use of force, other developments have increased uncertainties belligerency.
View under 'Comments' the proposed translation by YourVietnamExpert Translators
French Translation by Anh Tho Andres
Vietnamese Translation by
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Jun 12, 2011
YourVietBooks: YourVietBooks: On International Relations - One De...
YourVietBooks: YourVietBooks: On International Relations - One De...: "YourVietBooks: On International Relations - One Definition a Day:... : 'Original Title in English: Dictionary of International Relations, P..."
HI ALL, We are looking for volunteers to try out your translating skills and learn more on International Relations. Join us. Thanks.
HI ALL, We are looking for volunteers to try out your translating skills and learn more on International Relations. Join us. Thanks.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks: On International Relations - One Definition a Day:...
YourVietBooks: On International Relations - One Definition a Day:...: "Original Title in English: Dictionary of International Relations, Penguin (1998) by Authors Graham Evans and Jeffery Newhnham ONE DEFINIT..."
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Jun 11, 2011
YourVietBooks: YourVietBooks: Illusions - Poème Vietnamien
YourVietBooks: YourVietBooks: Illusions - Poème Vietnamien: "YourVietBooks: Illusions - Poème Vietnamien : 'Original Title in Vietnamese By Author TTH, Couvent des Oiseaux Dalat, Vietnam Publisher -..."
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks: Illusions - Poème Vietnamien
YourVietBooks: Illusions - Poème Vietnamien: "Original Title in Vietnamese By Author TTH, Couvent des Oiseaux Dalat, Vietnam Publisher - Self Translation in French by Author About ..."
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks: Back to Square One - Réflexions sur l'Impermanence...
YourVietBooks: Back to Square One - Réflexions sur l'Impermanence...: "Original Title in French Back to Square One - Réflexions sur l'Impermanence de la Vie By Authors - Divers Publisher Citabooks - Evene..."
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks: Back to Square One - Réflexions sur l'Impermanence...
YourVietBooks: Back to Square One - Réflexions sur l'Impermanence...: "Original Title in French Back to Square One - Réflexions sur l'Impermanence de la Vie By Authors - Divers Publisher Citabooks - Evene..."
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Jusqu'à Quand - Poème Vietnamien
Original Title in Vietnamese 'Những Vần Thơ Góp Nhặt : Biết Bao Giờ'
By Author: Y Việt Hưng
Publisher Editions du Collège La Croix, Suisse, 2001
Translation in French 'Mes Vers de Terre et de Nuit ; Jusqu'à Quand...'
By Claude Martingay
About the Book
Un ami du Vietnam m'avait remis un jour un recueil de poèmes de Y Viet Hung, intitulé "Nhung van tho gop nhat" (traduction française par Claude Martingay, intitulée "Vers de Terre et de Nuit"). Voici l'histoire de ce poète meurtri par la guerre...
About the Author :
Y Viet Hung est un poète Vietnamien qui vit encore à HCMC. Blessé par les éclats d'une explosion à Saigon en 1960, il est devenu aveugle. Y Viet Hung est arrivé en Suisse grâce à 'Terre des Hommes', une ONG humanitaire suisse. Accueilli par une famille suisse, 'le corps saisi par le froid de l'hiver, mais son petit coeur douloureux tout réchauffé par l'amour des Suisses'. C'est au milieu d'eux qu'il a passé tant de jours heureux de son enfance, dans l'humanité de l'humanité. Opéré à plusieurs reprises, en Allemagne et à Lausanne, HUNG retrouvera partiellement la vue, mais jamais que celle d'un oeil qui, aujourd'hui, ne voit plus qu'à 10%. Aujourd'hui, dans une pénible invalidité, il poursuit sa marche errante, isolée et triste...
Jun 10, 2011
Mon Citabooks: Sur l'Amour
Original Title in French
By Author Various, collected by Anh Tho Andres
Publisher online: EVENE
Proposed Translation in English (coming)
by Anh Tho Andres
About Citabooks
Un beau matin de novembre, en 2010, lors d'une retrouvaille à Paris, TTH m'a remis un recueil de poèmes, "Tho' và Sô'". Je l'ai lu et l'ai beaucoup aimé. Avec le flot de souvenirs qui m'ont envahie et qui ont ravivé mes expériences du Passé, j'ai décidé de recueillir les citations pour en faire MON Citabooks, que j'ai intitulé "Back to Square One: Réflexions sur l'Impermanence de la Vie" dans lequel je les ai classées sous différents thèmes au fil de mes lectures. Voici un extrait de mes citations préférées sur le thème de l'Amour. Bonne lecture. Anh Tho
Amour - Love - Liebe - Amore - Tinh yêu
"Le suprême bonheur dans la vie, c'est la conviction qu'on est aimé."
-Victor Hugo-
"J'ai eu mon anniversaire hier. Un bouquet de fleurs, une petite carte, un dîner en tête-à-tête, le bonheur... Merci... "
Ma propre citation - faute de mieux
"L'amour, tout comme la mort, est une étape du voyage où on arrive tous, un jour ou l'autre."
[ Plume Latraverse ] - Extrait des Contes gouttes ou le pays d'un reflet
On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses.
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos chagrins il s'en fait des manteaux
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore,
C'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore.
Serais ce possible alors ?
On me dit que le destin se moque bien de nous
Qu'il ne nous donne rien et qu'il nous promet tout
Parait qu'le bonheur est à portée de main,
Alors on tend la main et on se retrouve fou
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit ...
Mais qui est ce qui m'a dit que toujours tu m'aimais?
Je ne me souviens plus c'était tard dans la nuit,
J'entend encore la voix, mais je ne vois plus les traits
"Il vous aime, c'est secret, lui dites pas que j'vous l'ai dit"
Tu vois quelqu'un m'a dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore, me l'a t'on vraiment dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore, serais ce possible alors ?
On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos tristesses il s'en fait des manteaux, Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit que...
Read other Citations, click here
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
By Author Various, collected by Anh Tho Andres
Publisher online: EVENE
Proposed Translation in English (coming)
by Anh Tho Andres
About Citabooks
Un beau matin de novembre, en 2010, lors d'une retrouvaille à Paris, TTH m'a remis un recueil de poèmes, "Tho' và Sô'". Je l'ai lu et l'ai beaucoup aimé. Avec le flot de souvenirs qui m'ont envahie et qui ont ravivé mes expériences du Passé, j'ai décidé de recueillir les citations pour en faire MON Citabooks, que j'ai intitulé "Back to Square One: Réflexions sur l'Impermanence de la Vie" dans lequel je les ai classées sous différents thèmes au fil de mes lectures. Voici un extrait de mes citations préférées sur le thème de l'Amour. Bonne lecture. Anh Tho
Amour - Love - Liebe - Amore - Tinh yêu
"Le suprême bonheur dans la vie, c'est la conviction qu'on est aimé."
-Victor Hugo-
"J'ai eu mon anniversaire hier. Un bouquet de fleurs, une petite carte, un dîner en tête-à-tête, le bonheur... Merci... "
Ma propre citation - faute de mieux
"L'amour, tout comme la mort, est une étape du voyage où on arrive tous, un jour ou l'autre."
[ Plume Latraverse ] - Extrait des Contes gouttes ou le pays d'un reflet
On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses.
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos chagrins il s'en fait des manteaux
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore,
C'est quelqu'un qui m'a dit que tu m'aimais encore.
Serais ce possible alors ?
On me dit que le destin se moque bien de nous
Qu'il ne nous donne rien et qu'il nous promet tout
Parait qu'le bonheur est à portée de main,
Alors on tend la main et on se retrouve fou
Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit ...
Mais qui est ce qui m'a dit que toujours tu m'aimais?
Je ne me souviens plus c'était tard dans la nuit,
J'entend encore la voix, mais je ne vois plus les traits
"Il vous aime, c'est secret, lui dites pas que j'vous l'ai dit"
Tu vois quelqu'un m'a dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore, me l'a t'on vraiment dit...
Que tu m'aimais encore, serais ce possible alors ?
On me dit que nos vies ne valent pas grand chose,
Elles passent en un instant comme fanent les roses
On me dit que le temps qui glisse est un salaud
Que de nos tristesses il s'en fait des manteaux, Pourtant quelqu'un m'a dit que...
Read other Citations, click here
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Recueil de Poèmes Tho' và Sô'
Original Title in Vietnamese "Tho' và Sô'" ("Poèmes et No.")
By Author TTH, Couvent des Oiseaux Dalat, Vietnam
Publisher: Self
Translation in French by Author TTH
About the Author: Introduction par Anh Tho Andres
Lors de mon voyage à Paris, en novembre dernier, j'ai reçu un recueil de poèmes d'une camarade perdue de vue depuis bientôt trente ans. En les lisant, un flot de souvenirs émergent dans ma mémoire. Ce recueil est intitulé "Tho' và Sô'" ("Poèmes et No."). Le premier poème commence par celui-ci:
Titre du poème
Avis aux amis:
Pendant que je vis,
Dites-moi si
Votre tendresse m'est acquise.
N'attendez pas mon enterrement.
Car je ne pourrai voir ni entendre
Les fleurs en rangées pendantes,
La fumée des bâtons d'encens,
Le tissu rude au fil blanc,
Les lunettes pour chagrin voilant,
Les poignées de mains en sentiment,
Les paroles d'or envoyées au vent.
Avis aux amis,
Dites-moi si...
Merci TTH, de m'avoir rappelé à la Vie et à l'Amour. Anh Tho
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
By Author TTH, Couvent des Oiseaux Dalat, Vietnam
Publisher: Self
Translation in French by Author TTH
About the Author: Introduction par Anh Tho Andres
Lors de mon voyage à Paris, en novembre dernier, j'ai reçu un recueil de poèmes d'une camarade perdue de vue depuis bientôt trente ans. En les lisant, un flot de souvenirs émergent dans ma mémoire. Ce recueil est intitulé "Tho' và Sô'" ("Poèmes et No."). Le premier poème commence par celui-ci:
Titre du poème
Avis aux amis:
Pendant que je vis,
Dites-moi si
Votre tendresse m'est acquise.
N'attendez pas mon enterrement.
Car je ne pourrai voir ni entendre
Les fleurs en rangées pendantes,
La fumée des bâtons d'encens,
Le tissu rude au fil blanc,
Les lunettes pour chagrin voilant,
Les poignées de mains en sentiment,
Les paroles d'or envoyées au vent.
Avis aux amis,
Dites-moi si...
Merci TTH, de m'avoir rappelé à la Vie et à l'Amour. Anh Tho
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Vers de Terre et de Nuit - Recueil de poèmes vietnamiens traduits en français
Original Title in Vietnamese Nhung van tho gop nhat
By Author Y Viet Hung
Publisher Editions du Collège La Croix-sur-Lutry, Suisse, 2001.
Translation in French by Claude Martingay
Book Review
Un ami du Vietnam m'avait remis un jour un recueil de poèmes de Y Viet Hung, intitulé "Nhung van tho gop nhat" (traduction française par Claude Martingay, intitulée "Vers de Terre et de Nuit"). Voici l'histoire de ce poète meurtri par la guerre...
About the Author: Introduction par Pierre Rappaz
Le Vietnam. Les années 60.
La guerre de plus en plus meurtrière.
Près de Saigon, dans la sénénité du crépuscule, le village du bétel se blottit derrière les haies des bambous verdoyants. Au-delà, retentit la cloche de la pagode: les bonzes font leur prière du soir.
Soudain une explosion assourdissante éclate.
Puis des pleurs et des cris d'affolement.
Un soldat sud-vietnamien s'est suicidé devant la maison des Tang en faisant sauter une mine en même temps que toutes les munitions et grenades qu'il portait sur lui.
Madame Tang et ses trois enfants ont été victimes, plus ou moins gravement de cette affreuse explosion. Le cadet, HON, dix ans, est tué sur le coup tandis que son frère HUNG est grièvement blessé, étendu par terre, sous les décombres.
Après plusieurs heures d'attente, une ambulance militaire arrive et les transporte tous à l'hôpital.
Depuis cet accident, HUNG est devenu aveugle: le temps s'écoule péniblement pour lui, et une grande tristesse l'envahit.
Près d'une année plus tard, après de multiples difficultés, Madame Tang, bien que paysanne et illettrée, parvient à frapper à la porte du bureau suisse de "Terre des Hommes" à Saigon.
HUNG est enfin évacué par cette organisation humanitaire.
Il arrive en Suisse, le corps saisi par le froid de l'hiver, mais son petit coeur douloureux tout réchauffé par l'amour des Suisse. C'est au milieu d'eux qu'il a passé tant de jours heureux de son enfance, dans l'humanité de l'humanité.
Opéré à plusieurs reprises, en Allemagne et à Lausanne, HUNG retrouvera partiellement la vue, mais jamais que celle d'un oeil qui, aujourd'hui, ne voit plus qu'à 10%.
Aujourd'hui, dans une pénible invalidité, il poursuit sa marche errante, isolée et triste...
En 1998, rentré au Vietnam, il a fait part de ses poèmes à son enseignant* suisse, devenu un ami. Celui-ci a entrepris de "les faire éditer et d'en élargir l'audience au delà des seuls intimes." Sa veuve, Madame Rappaz, a continué son oeuvre en distribuant ce recueil aux amis du Vietnam dans les manifestations culturelles que j'avais organisées sur le Vietnam entre 2001 et 2006.
*M. Pierre Rappaz, enseignant à Lutry, Collège d'Echerin, La Croix-sur-Lutry (1998).
Mon Amour
Es-tu, mon amour,
au coeur de la forêt,
La fleur sauvage
éclose au matin,
et fanée le soir déjà?
Tu es, mon amour,
le bois dense et mystérieux
qui s'enchante la nuit
du bruissement du vent
et s'entrouve le jour
à l'éblouissement du ciel.
Tu es, mon amour,
dans le firmament, l'oiseau
enivré par la tempête,
et la vie t'emporte
où tu ne sais pas.
Tu es, mon amour,
le silence envoûtant
des milliers d'arbres.
Mais où sont-ils, ceux à qui tu parles?
Je suis, mon amour,
le poète ivre de poésie,
que chaque gorgée,
envahit tout entier.
A mes familiers,
aux amis étrangers,
je donne et dévoile
de mes sentiments le secret:
la poésie, mon amour.
Y Viet Hung, Vers de Terre et de Nuit, (titre original, Nhung van tho gop nhat), Editions du Collège La Croix-sur-Lutry, Suisse, 2001.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
By Author Y Viet Hung
Publisher Editions du Collège La Croix-sur-Lutry, Suisse, 2001.
Translation in French by Claude Martingay
Book Review
Un ami du Vietnam m'avait remis un jour un recueil de poèmes de Y Viet Hung, intitulé "Nhung van tho gop nhat" (traduction française par Claude Martingay, intitulée "Vers de Terre et de Nuit"). Voici l'histoire de ce poète meurtri par la guerre...
About the Author: Introduction par Pierre Rappaz
Le Vietnam. Les années 60.
La guerre de plus en plus meurtrière.
Près de Saigon, dans la sénénité du crépuscule, le village du bétel se blottit derrière les haies des bambous verdoyants. Au-delà, retentit la cloche de la pagode: les bonzes font leur prière du soir.
Soudain une explosion assourdissante éclate.
Puis des pleurs et des cris d'affolement.
Un soldat sud-vietnamien s'est suicidé devant la maison des Tang en faisant sauter une mine en même temps que toutes les munitions et grenades qu'il portait sur lui.
Madame Tang et ses trois enfants ont été victimes, plus ou moins gravement de cette affreuse explosion. Le cadet, HON, dix ans, est tué sur le coup tandis que son frère HUNG est grièvement blessé, étendu par terre, sous les décombres.
Après plusieurs heures d'attente, une ambulance militaire arrive et les transporte tous à l'hôpital.
Depuis cet accident, HUNG est devenu aveugle: le temps s'écoule péniblement pour lui, et une grande tristesse l'envahit.
Près d'une année plus tard, après de multiples difficultés, Madame Tang, bien que paysanne et illettrée, parvient à frapper à la porte du bureau suisse de "Terre des Hommes" à Saigon.
HUNG est enfin évacué par cette organisation humanitaire.
Il arrive en Suisse, le corps saisi par le froid de l'hiver, mais son petit coeur douloureux tout réchauffé par l'amour des Suisse. C'est au milieu d'eux qu'il a passé tant de jours heureux de son enfance, dans l'humanité de l'humanité.
Opéré à plusieurs reprises, en Allemagne et à Lausanne, HUNG retrouvera partiellement la vue, mais jamais que celle d'un oeil qui, aujourd'hui, ne voit plus qu'à 10%.
Aujourd'hui, dans une pénible invalidité, il poursuit sa marche errante, isolée et triste...
En 1998, rentré au Vietnam, il a fait part de ses poèmes à son enseignant* suisse, devenu un ami. Celui-ci a entrepris de "les faire éditer et d'en élargir l'audience au delà des seuls intimes." Sa veuve, Madame Rappaz, a continué son oeuvre en distribuant ce recueil aux amis du Vietnam dans les manifestations culturelles que j'avais organisées sur le Vietnam entre 2001 et 2006.
*M. Pierre Rappaz, enseignant à Lutry, Collège d'Echerin, La Croix-sur-Lutry (1998).
Mon Amour
Es-tu, mon amour,
au coeur de la forêt,
La fleur sauvage
éclose au matin,
et fanée le soir déjà?
Tu es, mon amour,
le bois dense et mystérieux
qui s'enchante la nuit
du bruissement du vent
et s'entrouve le jour
à l'éblouissement du ciel.
Tu es, mon amour,
dans le firmament, l'oiseau
enivré par la tempête,
et la vie t'emporte
où tu ne sais pas.
Tu es, mon amour,
le silence envoûtant
des milliers d'arbres.
Mais où sont-ils, ceux à qui tu parles?
Je suis, mon amour,
le poète ivre de poésie,
que chaque gorgée,
envahit tout entier.
A mes familiers,
aux amis étrangers,
je donne et dévoile
de mes sentiments le secret:
la poésie, mon amour.
Y Viet Hung, Vers de Terre et de Nuit, (titre original, Nhung van tho gop nhat), Editions du Collège La Croix-sur-Lutry, Suisse, 2001.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Back to Square One - Réflexions sur l'Impermanence de la Vie - Mon Citabook
Original Title in French Back to Square One - Réflexions sur l'Impermanence de la Vie
By Authors - Divers
Publisher Citabooks - Evene
Back to Square One
Réflexions sur l'Impermanence de la Vie
Anh Tho Andres
Ce citabook contient 57 citations
(hors pages de brouillon)
Click here to view online Contents
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
By Authors - Divers
Publisher Citabooks - Evene
Réflexions sur l'Impermanence de la Vie
Anh Tho Andres
Ce citabook contient 57 citations
(hors pages de brouillon)
Click here to view online Contents
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Multilaterale Institutionen in Ostasien-Pazifik - ASIA PACIFIC
By Author: Nabers Dirk
Publisher: VS Verlag
ISBN: 9783531170602
In Ostasien und dem asiatisch-pazifischen Raum zeigt sich über einem Jahrzehn eine komplexe Dynamik multilateraler Kooperationprozesse, die sich auf unterschiedliche Politikfelder bezieht und unterschiedlicher Tiefer und Reichweite ist. Fokusierte sich institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit bis dahin mit der Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) vor allem auf südostasiatische Subregion, so existieren heute eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Kooperationsarrangements. Zunächst gab die Gemeinschaft ihre Vorbehalte gegenüber der Idee einer ostasiatischen-pazifischen Wirtschaftskooperation auf und stimmte 1989 der Gründung der Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) zu. Später kamen im Feld der Sicherheitspolitik das ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) und die Sechsparteiengespräche auf der koreanischen Halbinsel, im interregionalen Bereich das Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) sowie als vielleicht künftig wichtigste Insitution das Forum der ASEAN + 3 hinzu. Das Buch untersucht in vergleichender Perspecktive Entstehungsbedingungen, Struktur, Substanz und Perspecktiven aller wichtigen internationalen Institutionen der Region. Die Gemeinschaft südostasiatischer Staaten (ASEAN) - Regionale Kooperation in Südostasien - Das ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) - Die Sechsparteiengespräche auf der koreanischen Halbinsel - Das Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) - Die Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - Synopse.
Content:Publisher: VS Verlag
ISBN: 9783531170602
In Ostasien und dem asiatisch-pazifischen Raum zeigt sich über einem Jahrzehn eine komplexe Dynamik multilateraler Kooperationprozesse, die sich auf unterschiedliche Politikfelder bezieht und unterschiedlicher Tiefer und Reichweite ist. Fokusierte sich institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit bis dahin mit der Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) vor allem auf südostasiatische Subregion, so existieren heute eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Kooperationsarrangements. Zunächst gab die Gemeinschaft ihre Vorbehalte gegenüber der Idee einer ostasiatischen-pazifischen Wirtschaftskooperation auf und stimmte 1989 der Gründung der Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) zu. Später kamen im Feld der Sicherheitspolitik das ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) und die Sechsparteiengespräche auf der koreanischen Halbinsel, im interregionalen Bereich das Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) sowie als vielleicht künftig wichtigste Insitution das Forum der ASEAN + 3 hinzu. Das Buch untersucht in vergleichender Perspecktive Entstehungsbedingungen, Struktur, Substanz und Perspecktiven aller wichtigen internationalen Institutionen der Region. Die Gemeinschaft südostasiatischer Staaten (ASEAN) - Regionale Kooperation in Südostasien - Das ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) - Die Sechsparteiengespräche auf der koreanischen Halbinsel - Das Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) - Die Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - Synopse.
- Die Gemeinschaft südostasiatischer Staaten (ASEAN)
- Regionale Kooperation in Südostasien
- Das ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
- Die Sechsparteiengespräche auf der koreanischen Halbinsel
- Das Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM)
- Die Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
- Synopse
About the Author:
PD Dr. Dirk Nabers ist Senior Research Fellow und Leiter des Forschungsschwerpunktes "Macht, Normen und Governance in den internationalen Beziehungen" am German Institute of Global and Area Studies(GIGA) in Hamburg
Jun 9, 2011
Try out your talent as translator with YourVietBooks
YourVietBooks: The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations: "Original Title in English By Authors Graham Evans & Jeffery Newnham Publisher Penguin Books, 1998, ISBN 978-0-140-51397-4 Backcover: The ..."
International Relations Studies
Learn One Definition a Day to Better Understand the World Conflicts. Note: Extremely difficult text for translators who wish to take up this challenge.
Try out your talent as translator with YourVietBooks and get assignments as a YourVietnamExpert.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
International Relations Studies
Learn One Definition a Day to Better Understand the World Conflicts. Note: Extremely difficult text for translators who wish to take up this challenge.
Try out your talent as translator with YourVietBooks and get assignments as a YourVietnamExpert.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Ho Chi Minh - Eine Chronik

Original Title in German: Eine Chronik
By Author : Hellmut Kapfenberger
Publisher: Neues Leben
ISBN-10: 9783355017589
Ho Chi Minh führt Vietnam in Unabhängigkeit gegen französische und britische Kolonialansprüche und gegen die USA; sein Kampf für eine von imperialistischen Bestrebungen befreite Welt machte ihne zur Symbolfigur der Studentenbewegung. Als Präsident von Nordvietnam regierte er vom Gartenhaus des Präsidentenpalastes aus, für sich selbst nie etwas anderes einfordernd als für das Volk. Der Jounarlist und Vietnamexperte Hellmut Kapfenberger lebte sieben Jahre in diesem Land. Er führt den Leser an die Schauplätze des Geschehens, zeichnet die Lebensstationen Ho Chi Minhs nach und liefert das nötige Hintergrundwissen über die Geschichte des Landes.
Hellmut Kapfenberger wurde 1933 in Schalkau (Thüringen) geboren. Nach einer Tischlerlehrer war er als Volkskorrespondent tätig und absolvierte dann eine journalistische Ausbildung beim Allgemeinem Deutschen Nachrichtendienst in Berlin. Er war mehrere Jahre als Korrespondent in Vietnam tätig, wo er auch das Indochina-Büro in Hanoi leitete. Er hat umfangreiche journalistische Arbeit über Vietnam veröffentlicht. Heute lebt er als Rentner in Berlin.
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
YourVietBooks: Promoting Young Vietnamese Talents - Join YourViet...
YourVietBooks: Promoting Young Vietnamese Talents - Join YourViet...: "Dear Vietnamese Friends and Friends of Vietnam, My name is Anh Tho Andres, based in Switzerland. I am the Project Coordinator and Initia..."
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Promoting Young Vietnamese Talents - Join - Guidelines
Dear Vietnamese Friends and Friends of Vietnam,
My name is Anh Tho Andres, based in Switzerland. I am the Project Coordinator and Initiator of this project.
Thank you for volunteering to this project, which main objective is to promote young talents and help them improve their language skills and knowledge of Vietnam's Culture, The Land and the People.
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Thank you for your support.
Anh Tho Andres, MBA
Founder & Coordinator
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators. Contact us at
Jun 8, 2011
YourVietBooks: Transformative Power of Intercultural Experiences
YourVietBooks: Transformative Power of Intercultural Experiences: "Original Title in English By Author Anh Tho Andres Source: Blog Transformative Power of Intercultural Experiences..."
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. We can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Translations are done by YourVietnamExpert's qualified and experienced translators.
Transformative Power of Intercultural Experiences
By Author Anh Tho Andres
Source: Blog Transformative Power of Intercultural Experiences
"Sharing on my personal intercultural experience: As a South Vietnamese growing up in war torn South Vietnam, I benefit from both French and American culture in my younger years. After the fall of Saigon (or the "liberation" of South Vietnam), I was among the 800 successful candidates among the 43'000 who sat for entrance examinations to various universities of the newly unified Vietnam. Upon graduation, I worked as a professional translator and interpreter in 5 languages, among which Russian and German. Later on, I also acquired Swiss German and Norwegian in my set of languages as translator. With this background, I had experienced a lot of scenario where cross-cultural communication plays a very important role, even within the same ethnic group, sharing the same beliefs, speaking the same language. In my studies of Buddhism, I learnt that we are shaped by the perceptions that we have of the world through inputs we receive from our immediate entourage and senses, and the way to consciously neutralise negative thoughts and build up positive thought through the process of meditation. I am still working on this and find that it helps a lot to develop compassion to understand the "other" while you are communicating with them. From my readings on Vietnam war stories, I also noticed that a lot of destruction and losses of life could have been spared if both sides had been given the opportunities to understand the opponent's position. For me, understanding others' culture start with an open mind to accept that there can be many solutions to problem-solving, and nobody can be holding the absolute truth. If we learn how to listen actively, we may find a solution of resolving a conflict without having to use coercitive methods to impose our own thinking." Posted by Anh Tho Andres on May 2011.
About the Author
A native Vietnamese born in South Vietnam during the American war. French educated at Couvent des Oiseaux and Lycée Yersin. Got last French Baccalaureat in 1975 during the last days of Saigon Government. Anh Tho Andres was among the first few (southern Vietnamese) graduates in post-war Vietnam in 1979. Her first job with the National Oil Service Company in Vung Tau, as a 5-language interpreter and customer relations officer, gave her a rich insight on Vietnam's relations with foreign investors and problems that expats faced while living and working in Vietnam. Later, as a Translator-Consultant and Interpreter based in Singapore - while doing her English MBA with Hull University (UK), she accompanied businessmen on their business fact-finding trips to Vietnam. She also started her method of "Learn Vietnamese in 8 Hours" and trained over 1000 Singaporean businessmen to be relocated to Vietnam. She was also the first business-women entrepreneur who organised conferences and seminars on various subjects for Vietnamese official delegations to visit Singapore, Malaysia and Switzerland, acting as their guide-interpreter and consultant. Since 2007, she attended legal trainings in Swiss and English Law, and specialises in legal translation, providing translation and consulting services on Vietnam, through her network of YourVietnamExpert colleagues. Her first published book 'Basic Vietnamese' with Europhone (1994) was sold for over 50'000 units. Her second book named 'Business Vietnamese, Useful Tips for a Succesful Venture with your Vietnam Partner', is to be published in Autumn 2011. She is also preparing her manuscript and film script for her second novel 'Back to Square One', relating her life experiences in Vietnam, Norway, Switzerland and Singapore. Now based in Geneva, she is coordinating the project initiated hereunder to help younger Vietnamese in their translation techniques and general knowledge in Vietnam studies.About
YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Economy, or Business. Most titles are in English, but some are only available in French or Vietnamese. Our qualified and experienced translators can provide interested parties an accurate translation of some parts of the books for your research purposes. Contact for more information.
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