Publisher: Editions Thanh Cao, Honolulu, Hawaii (2010)
ISBN: 978-0-615-36573-2
About the Book:
A Story of Vietnam narrates the history of Vietnam, from its beginning to the present, giving equal importance to the culture and the arts as to the political or military events. While not a conventional textbook, A Story of Vietnam can, nonetheless, provide a substantial reading material to students interested in Asia. To the hyphenated Vietnamese, it can serve as a convenient reference tool to unveil the historical allusions, cultural insinuations, mythical hints, literary suggestions, ethnic idiosyncrasies they encounter everyday at home. This book may also be sought after by the people who know so much already about Vietnam as a War but who still would like to know more about Vietnam as a culture, a people and a country.
Some Reviews:
"I think that to a large extent you have succeeded in your goal to write a general histroy that is both fund and instructive to read, and I particularly like the anecdotes and stories that your include."
"...your lovely writing system and unique perspective are very compelling."
..."I particularly like the fact that you have devoted significant thought to the literature and also arts of Vietnam."
"...The chapters were a gread read; the subject area will be a popular one."
About the Author:
Truong Buu Lam is a retired professor of history from the University of Hawaii.
He is the author of
- Patterns of Vietnamese Response to Foreign Intervention (1968);
- New Lamps for Old (1982);
- Resistance, Rebellion, Revolution (1984);
- Colonialism Experienced (2000).
Chapter One: In the Beginning;
Chapter Two: The Chinese Connection;
Chapter Three: Independent Vietnam;
Chapter Four: From the Lê to the Nguyên;
Chapter Five: Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism;
Chapter Six: The End of Traditional Anticolonialism;
Chapter Seven: The Long March to Independence;
Chapter Eight: The Struggle Against Colonial Reconquest;
Chapter Nine: Toward Reunification;
Chapter Ten: Nothing is more precious than Independence and Unity.
Index with names of historical personalities and heroes.
Online version in English, click here
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