Dec 23, 2011

On a New Year's Eve - A note on Solitude by Anh Tho Andres

Original Title in English: Back to Square One by Author Anh Tho Andres

On se demande parfois si la vie a un sens…et puis on rencontre des êtres qui donnent un sens à la vie (Brassai)


I wanted to write on Solitude when I am not suffering from it. Solitude has always been a permanent state of me. Since eternity, I had always somehow felt that I was different from others, although in my everyday life, I have always given my entourage the impression that I mix easily with people.

I think that it could be because of that sense of loneliness that I am open to any hand that wants to reach out for me.  I feel I am so eager to communicate with anyone, to give and to share everything I have, because I not only have the need to give, and to share, but also because I know that maybe tomorrow I will not have the opportunity to share that particular thought or feeling or happiness, as life is sometimes very cruel and deceiving.

A Zen author who l read lately - Dillon Masters -  has described ‘my‘ feeling of solitude as follows:
„What brings us joy in one moment brings us sadness in the next. Nobody can stop the tides of anything thus conclusion is that „life sucks“…. In order not to suffer,  we shall not « cling to  [things] but rather savor each passing moment with the awareness that soon the savor will turn into the sour »

Further in his teaching about suffering, he then explains that „Suffering occurs precisely because the nature of conditional life is changing… The origin of suffering is attachment (or craving). Because we don’t know who we are we derive a sense of identity from attaching to things, or we resist other things. We crave things we enjoy and we resist things we repudiate, but since nothing remains constant, our sense of identity rides the wave of change – Here today, gone tomorrow.. . »

I think that the origin of what I identify as the main cause of my permanent state of solitude is indeed my understanding that nothing lasts forever.

It started with the first pain of being separated from what I cherished most, the presence of my uncle, who taught me my first guitar lessons and all the wonderful things that a child of my age was eager to learn. His death at age 18 on his first battlefield helped me to realise how impermanent life could be and taught me to be nice to people as we never knew if that person would be still alive the next day.

I do not recall exactly how we spent time together, he as a younger brother of my mother, and me as a child of ten, except for the many small gifts he brought back from his ‘assignments’ on patrol, his ‘chien loi pham’ (Note : things you collect from your enemies after a battle). I only recalled when the news of his death was announced, the shock I saw on his fiancée’s face. She was also 18, and was living with us as a nanny to my youngest sister – we had each of us a ‘personal’ nanny, mostly between 14-16 as a playmate, as my parents were busy working and coming home late.
Somehow it was also in our tradition that we would take some young and poor people from the countryside, to come and spend a few years with us, receiving the lodging and training until they reach the age of getting married, to be sent back home to their parents as an accomplished ‘debutante’, a kind of « fille au pair ».

The girl’s name was „Summer“, she had a sweet face and beautiful voice, and was quite often photographed in her traditional ‚ao dai‘ and very ‚Hue‘ style, by some American soldiers on leave  in our small town. I was following her quite often to the market, or to the store my parents owned,  she was in a way my playmate. But I guess as a child of ten, I was not really her ‚confidante‘ although I managed to share all the ‚3 sous‘ (cheap) love novels she was reading, hiding them from my mother.

I could not at the time fully understand the pain she must have felt until the day I lost my first husband, after years helping him fight his cancer. Although we had time to prepare ourselves for his final departure, when it came, the pain was still unbearable, because somehow inside me, I still hoped for the impossible. I think although the mind is prepared for such an eventuality, the heart cannot accept it so easily.

Later on, with other separations coming my way, I have learned not to give away all my soul, for fear that I would be going through the same pain again. Could it be that fear that caused me to keep a distance from those whom I could have accepted to share my feelings, for fear of an eventual separation? Could that be that being afraid of suffering, I have missed out so many chances to be happy ? But could that be also that fear was the real background music of my permanent sense of loneliness?

Many people seem to never suffer of loneliness. They are so easy going, and always seem to be surrounded by a multitude of children, cousins, nephews and nieces, friends and neighbours, friends of friends, etc, and every day seems to be a happy party for them. This is the case of one Filipina friend of mine.  I was accepted by her as a member of their family. Anyway, I felt that way. My son who was 7 when I moved  back to Switzerland from Singapore needed a family environment, so I joined this family and discovered how amazing the sense of belonging which I enjoyed.

I learnt a lot from Ellen, who literally only lived for her family. A real example of sacrifice and love to her beloved ones. As a young bride, she already suffered separation from her husband who went to work in the Middle East. Years passed and she got 5 children whom she had been raising almost by herself with the meager sum he sent her. The children later got married and had children and were somehow reunited to live in Switzerland through the blood relationship with some distant Swiss parent.

For each and every one of them, she cared for them since their birth, then later on she accompanied  them to their first school days, until they grew up.  The in-laws were well accepted in the family. There was always lots of food around, and I had the feeling that everytime I was invited to their place (very often indeed) everybody was busy cooking, or preparing for some kind of party. Of course, besides the food, there was dancing, singing karaoke, chatting with friends, and exchanging gifts. How can life be so easygoing, I wonder?

From this experience, I learnt to open up myself and release my real feelings of the moment. For example, on my birthdays, instead of hiding away from the crowd and fearing that I would be disappointed not to receive from the persons I care the expected greetings for this particular day. I would call my friends and announce to them that it is my birthday and sharing with them my joy and satisfaction of the day. I do that every year fort he past 5 years and my friends are delighted.

One of my favourite author, Deepak Chopra said something wonderful:

"We have stopped for a moment to encounter, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. If we share with caring, lightheartedness, and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. Anh then this moment will have been worthwhile.”

With this beautiful statement, I am sending my best thoughts for this particular moment we are sharing with each other. Let it go into eternity as it will lay the path of more happiness to come our way.

Anh Tho Andres
Excerpts from my coming book
Back to Square One

Midnight December 20th, 2011

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YourVietBooks is a selection of books and articles on and about Vietnam. Categories include: Culture, History, Vietnam War, Politics, Biographies, Contemporary Vietnam, International Relations, Doing Business in Vietnam, Reference and Languages, Zen Buddhism, Philosophy, Art and Literature.
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Dec 11, 2011

Lexikon_Bases de terminologie gratuites sur Internet

Bases de terminologie gratuites sur Internet : suggestions

Message de l'auteur: Louis L, Traducteur

Si vous connaissez des bases de terminologie gratuites (générales ou spécialisées) qui pourraient être utiles aux traducteurs ou à d'autres professionnels des langues, merci de les faire partager ici! Pour aider les gens à trouver facilement ce qui leur serait utile dans leur combinaison de langues, veuillez indiquer clairement les langues offertes et les domaines couverts.

Voici mes propres suggestions (en ordre de fréquence d’utilisation personnelle) :

* Termium Plus (
* Langues : anglais, français, espagnol et portugais
* Domaines : général et spécialisé
Vous pouvez chercher vos mots-clés parmi les termes ou les fiches. Pour définir les paramètres de recherche, cliquez sur le bouton « Clés de recherche ».

* Le Grand dictionnaire terminologique (
* Langues : français, anglais, latin
* Domaines : général et spécialisé
Le site est uniquement en français, mais vous pouvez aussi obtenir des termes et des définitions aussi bien en anglais qu’en français, de même que les équivalences entre les deux. On y retrouve aussi des termes latins (pour la taxonomie et la médecine).

* Langues : anglais, français, espagnol, russe, chinois et arabe
* Domaines : ONU et affaires internationales
Base de terminologie multilingue des Nations Unies, mise à jour quotidiennement.

IATE - InterActive Terminology for Europe (
* Langues : 24 langues européennes
* Domaines : général et spécialisé
Base de terminologie multilingue de l’Union européenne.

* Langues : anglais, français, espagnol
* Domaine : commerce international
Base de terminologie de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC).

* Langues : anglais, français
* Domaines : Général et spécialisé
Base de terminologie de l’Ontario (Canada).

YourVietBooks is a selection of books and articles on and about Vietnam. Categories include: Culture, History, Vietnam War, Politics, Biographies, Contemporary Vietnam, International Relations, Doing Business in Vietnam, Reference and Languages, Zen Buddhism, Philosophy, Art and Literature.
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Nov 23, 2011

Auteurs français_l'Indochine dans la sphère de coprospérité japonaise de 1940 à 1945

Original Titles in French:
by Author: René J. Poujade
Publisher: L'Harmattan (15 novembre 2007)
Collection : Mémoires asiatiques
ISBN-13: 978-2296043497

About the Books:
  • Le premier volet « Cours martiales d’Indochine 1940-1945 » était consacré à la répression de la résistance par les autorités à Vichy en Indochine. Publié par les éditions La Bruyère, il a été lauréat du Prix Littéraire de la Résistance (mention spéciale).
  • Le second volet « L’Indochine dans la sphère de coprospérité Japonaise 1940-1945 », témoigne documents à l’appui d’une situation souvent déformée ou ignorée.
  • Le troisième volet « A l’ombre du soleil levant 1940-1945 » est fait de récits de situations vécues du sud du Pacifique à l’Indochine au cours de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Des récits parfois étonnants mais toujours d’une plume alerte que connaissent ces lecteurs de la presse spécialisée. Ecrits sans passion et avec humour, René J. Poujade signe ici le troisième volet de sa trilogie.

About the Author:

René Poujade est secrétaire général de la Fédération des réseaux de la résistance en Indochine FFL-FFC 1940-1945). Ses ouvrages forme la trilogie indochinoise consacrée à l’évocation de l’Indochine française occupée par le Japon au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.


YourVietBooks is a selection of books and articles on and about Vietnam. Categories include: Culture, History, Vietnam War, Politics, Biographies, Contemporary Vietnam, International Relations, Doing Business in Vietnam, Reference and Languages, Zen Buddhism, Philosophy, Art and Literature.
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Auteurs français_L'Indochine face au Japon (French Edition)

Original Title in French: L'Indochine face au Japon (French Edition)
by Author: Philippe Grandjean
Publisher: Editions L'Harmattan (2004)
ISBN-10: 2747568571
ISBN-13: 978-2747568579

About the Book:
Présentation de l'éditeur : on a beaucoup écrit sur la deuxième Guerre mondiale et sur la guerre d'Indochine (1946-1954). Mais très peu sur l'étonnante aventure de l'Indochine dans la deuxième Guerre mondiale (1940-1945). Isolée, soudain, d'une Métropole écrasée en juin 1940, l'Indochine française de l'amiral Decoux est restée, après 1942, le seul îlot " blanc " dans le raz-de-marée nippon d'après Pearl Harbor. Contrainte d'accepter un stationnement et un transit de troupes japonaises, elle a, au contraire de la France occupée, maintenu une souveraineté française entière et une armée libre de ses mouvements. Le tout au prix d'une allégeance appuyée au lointain Maréchal et d'une forte autorité, parfois marquée de bavures, mais toutes deux vitales, face aux Nippons, pour la survie de cette France du bout du monde. Inventive par, nécessité, elle a sauvé l'économie. Plus étonnant, elle a lancé un véritable " aggiornamento " du statut colonial, multiplié les écoles et les stades, réhabilité les patries et relancé leurs cultures. Cet " incroyable pari ", suivant le mot de L. Bodard, a tenu cinq ans.
Pourquoi, le 9 mars 1945, moins de cinq mois avant Hiroshima, Tokyo a-t-il été conduit à balayer l'imperium français ? L'auteur décrit le fatal enchaînement né du malentendu entre la France libérée et une Indochine qui allait bientôt lui revenir intacte, avec les conséquences tragiques qui en ont découlé. Le 9 mars 1945 a engendré la guerre d'Indochine.

About the Author:
Biographie de l'auteur: Condisciple du futur général Giap à l'Université de Hanoi, puis docteur en droit et élève de Sciences Po, l'auteur, évadé d'un camp allemand, a vécu l'Indochine de la 2e guerre mondiale, de 1941 à 1945, comme officier ou avocat. Il en est l'un des survivants et des meilleurs connaisseurs.

Book reviews (very useful):

Ce commentaire fait référence à cette édition : L'Indochine face au Japon : 1940-1945 Decoux-de Gaulle, un malentendu fatal (Broché)
"L'Indochine était la partie de l'Empire colonial français qui avait reçu le plus d'investissements de la part de la métropole. Lorsque les événements de la guerre mondiale aboutirent, de 1940 à 1945, à relâcher la tutelle de Paris et à faire de l'amiral Decoux le seul maître à bord, la "perle de l'Empire" connut l'amorce d'une évolution politique intelligente, qui aurait sans doute abouti à une indépendance négociée, et un développement économique sans précédent. 
Et pourtant, quelques annnées plus tard, il ne restait rien, ni de la présence française, ni des institutions qui auraient permis une décolonisation sans drame (comme celle de l'Afrique noire), ni de l'avance économique que ces pays avaient prise sur leurs voisins, et des millions de morts allaient s'accumuler. 
Ce livre décrit les origines de ce désastre, qui tiennent à la vision complètement fantasmatique que les gaullistes de métropole avaient de l'Indochine, imaginant des équations Indochine = France occupée, Vietminh = FTP, Decoux = Pétain, Japon = Allemagne. Des provocations et une arrogance qui n'étaient plus de saison, le mépris total à l'égard de l'amiral Decoux qui connaissait la situation sur le terrain, des espoirs naïfs dans l' "amitié" des Etats-Unis aboutirent, le 9 mars 1945, à transformer en un déferlement de violence une occupation japonaise qui s'était jusque-là montrée respectueuse de la situation préexistante . Ni la diplomatie de l'amiral Decoux, ni le courage des faibles garnisons françaises, ni l'amitié de certains Indochinois comme le prince lao Boun Oum, ne purent empêcher la disparition de toute autorité française, puis, au bout de quelques mois, la disparition de toute forme d'administration, laissant un pouvoir vacant dont Hô Chi Minh allait s'emparer pour faire basculer les trois Etats d'Indochine dans une expérience communiste... ayant abouti en fin de course à un ultracapitalisme sans frein. 
M. Grandjean montre comment il s'en est fallu de peu, de très peu, de 160 jours à peine, pour que le pari de l'amiral Decoux fût gagné et pour que l'on vît émerger de l'Indochine française trois Etats qui auraient bénéficié de bases matérielles solides et seraient sans doute restés des amis des pays francophones. Thèse dérangeante, mais difficilement contestable: si Paris n'avait pas tout voulu régenter à des milliers de kilomètres de distance,trente ans de guerre ininterrompue eussent pu être évités." (Source:

YourVietBooks is a selection of books and articles on and about Vietnam. Categories include: Culture, History, Vietnam War, Politics, Biographies, Contemporary Vietnam, International Relations, Doing Business in Vietnam, Reference and Languages, Zen Buddhism, Philosophy, Art and Literature.
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Nov 11, 2011

Rethinking Confucianism: Past and Present in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam [Paperback] Benjamin A. Elman (Editor), John B. Duncan (Editor), Herman Ooms (Editor)

Original Title in English 
By Authors: Benjamin A. Elman (Editor), John B. Duncan (Editor), Herman Ooms (Editor)
Publisher: Univ of California Los Angeles (March 1, 2002)
ISBN-10: 1883191068 | ISBN-13: 978-1883191061 | Publication Date: March 1, 2002

Book Description

This ambitious volume brings together a group of distinguished scholars who have worked together over five years’ time in an attempt to explain the present pan-Asian revival of Confucianism a century after it was declared moribund by leading philosophers and thinkers in China and Japan as well as in the West.

This collaborative study of China and its historical sphere of influence in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam begins by clearly establishing the principal threads that made up Confucian thought in the period of its unchallenged eminence. It also examines the pitfalls of Western scholars who have tended to lump together as "Confucianism" many diverse currents of Chinese and other Asian classical thought.

Uniquely, the book explores as well traditional Confucian views of issues such as gender, medicine, and ritual, and examines the reasons given by leading Asian and Western scholars for rejecting Confucianism at the end of the nineteenth century.

Editorial Reviews

  • "Elman’s concluding essay is a tour de force.... Should be required reading for all interested in modern Eastern Asia." -- Arif Dirlik, University of Oregon
  • "The volume is most valuable for the exceptional attention given to Korea, Japan, and Vietnam." -- John A. Tucker, East Carolina University
  • "This ambitious collection of essays challenges all previous discussions of Confucianism." -- Anne Walthall, Professor of History, University of California, Irvine
About the Author
  • Benjamin A. Elman is professor of history at the University of California, Los Angeles. He earned his Ph.D. in Oriental Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, 1980. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand, 1968-71, and was director of UCLA’s Center for Chinese Studies, 1997–99. His other works include Classicism, Politics, and Kinship: The Ch’ang-chou School of New Text Confucianism in Late Imperial China (University of California Press, 1990); A Cultural History of Civil Examinations in Late Imperial China (University of California Press, 2000); and From Philosophy to Philology: Intellectual and Social Aspects of Change in Late Imperial China (UCLA Asian Pacific Monograph Series, 2001).
  • John B. Duncan is associate professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures at UCLA. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii, 1988. He is the author of The Origins of the Chosýn Dynasty (University of Washington Press, 2000) and has published articles in both English and Korean in such publications as The Cambridge History of Korea, the Journal of Korean Studies, Acto Koreana, and Korean Studies.
  • Herman Ooms is professor of history at UCLA. He was educated in Belgium, where he earned an MA in Philosophy; Japan, where he earned an MA at Tokyo University in Anthroplogy of Religion; and the University of Chicago, where he received a PhD in Japanese History. His publications include: Charismatic Bureaucrat: A Political Biography of Matsudaira Sadanobu (1758-1829) (University of Chicago Press, 1975); Tokugawa Ideology: Early Constructs, 1570-1680 (Princeton University Press, 1985); Sosensuhai no shimborizumu (Symbolism in ancestor worship; Tokyo: Dobundo, 1987); and Tokugawa Village Practice: Class, Status, Power, Law (University of California Press, 1996)

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YourVietBooks is a selection of books and articles on and about Vietnam. Categories include: Culture, History, Vietnam War, Politics, Biographies, Contemporary Vietnam, International Relations, Doing Business in Vietnam, Reference and Languages, Zen Buddhism, Philosophy, Art and Literature.
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Nov 10, 2011

Selected Resources for the Study of Việt Nam

General Web Sites

Southeast Asia Section Page

Vietnam Studies Page
Go to Teaching and Reference.

Vietnam Virtual Library at Australian National University

General Social and Economic Conditions

Includes a number of online reports, Human Development Report, reports on gender, poverty, health etc and Directory of State Organizations:  Dates from 1999.  Adresses are good

More up to date is The British Council’s Vietnam Cultural Profile:  Which includes updated links to government cultural departments.

Official Sites

Vietnamese Communist Party

News Sources in English

Nhan Dan

Vietnam News Agency

Vietnam Investment Review
Thanh Nien Newspaper in English

Voice of Vietnam
For Vietnam television and news sites.

Photographic and Film Resources

Francoise Sully Collection

Requiem :  Tim Page Photo Collection

Texas Tech Vietnam Center

Vietnam Online  (Vietnam War)

University of Wisconsin South and Southeast Asia Video Archive
Other Wars Related Resources
Cold War Files: Interpreting History Through Documents. Woodrow Wilson Center, Cold War International History Project.

Vietnamese Perspectives on the War in Vietnam.  
Online Bibliography

Refugee Experience
UC Irvine Online Exhibit

George Dutton’s Tay Son Rebellion Site


Bibliography of Vietnamese Fiction

YourVietBooks is a selection of books and articles on and about Vietnam. Categories include: Culture, History, Vietnam War, Politics, Biographies, Contemporary Vietnam, International Relations, Doing Business in Vietnam, Reference and Languages, Zen Buddhism, Philosophy, Art and Literature.
Some articles are available only in English, French, German or Vietnamese. Our qualified and experienced translators can provide translations of e-books or articles on demand. Read more...

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Nov 9, 2011

Books on South East Asia - Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia

Original Titles in English

  • Perhaps the most reliable and up-to-date reference source on the country is Country Profile: Malaysia, Brunei (annual). A collection of papers on the country's natural resources and environment is found in a special issue of Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, vol. 13, no. 1 (June 1992); 
  • CHUA THIA-ENG, CHOU LOKE MING, and MARIE SOL M. SADORRA (eds.), The Coastal Environmental Profile of Brunei Darussalam (1987), includes articles on land use, population, and the institutional framework; 
  • TILAK DOSHI, "Brunei: The Steady State," Southeast Asian Affairs (1991), pp. 71-80; 
  • SRITUA ARIEF, The Brunei Economy (1986);
  • D.E. BROWN, Brunei (1970), chronicles the history of the sultanate from the early 19th century to the late 1960s;
  • RANJIT SINGH, Brunei, 1839-1983 (1984);
  • K.U. MENON, "Brunei Darussalam in 1986: In Search of the Political Kingdom," Southeast Asian Affairs (1987), pp. 85-101, traces political developments in the first three years of full independence. 
  • ABU BAKAR HAMZAH, "Brunei Darussalam Continuity and Tradition,"Southeast Asian Affairs (1989), pp. 91-104; 
  • ZAINAL KLING, "The Changing International Image of Brunei," Southeast Asian Affairs (1990), pp. 89-100. 
  • RUSSELL R. ROSS (ed.), Cambodia: A Country Study, 3rd ed. (1990); 
  • DAVID P. CHANDLER, The Land and People of Cambodia (1992); 
  • MICHAEL VICKERY, Kampuchea: Politics, Economics, and Society (1986);
  • JEAN DELVERT, Le Paysan cambodgien (1961), is a magisterial work;
  • BEN KIERNAN and CHANTHOU BOUA (eds.), Peasants and Politics in Kampuchea, 1942-1981 (1982), is a useful anthology;
  • RÉMY PRUD'HOMME, L'Économie du Cambodge (1969), is the only detailed study of the Cambodian economy and is still of historical interest;
  • DAVID P. CHANDLER, A History of Cambodia, 2nd ed. (1992), traces the country's beginnings through the 1980s and is supplemented by his The Tragedy of Cambodian History (1991), a detailed political history since World War II;
  • CLAUDE JACQUES, Angkor (1990);
  • LAWRENCE PALMER BRIGGS, The Ancient Khmer Empire (1951, reprinted 1962); 
  • BEN KIERNAN, How Pol Pot Came to Power (1983); 
  • WILLIAM SHAWCROSS, Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia, rev. ed. (1987); 
  • KARL D. JACKSON (compiler), Cambodia, 1975-1978(1989); 
  • MICHAEL VICKERY, Cambodia, 1975-1982 (1984), probably the best book-length analysis of the revolutionary era. 
  • FRANK M. LeBAR and ADRIENNE SUDDARD (eds.), Laos, rev. ed. (1967), is a general survey;
  • GRANT EVANS, Lao Peasants Under Socialism (1990), treats ethnography and economics;
  • MARTIN STUART-FOX, Laos (1986), is the standard work, with good chapters on the economic system and domestic policies; 
  • A more current overview is found in WILLIAM WORNER, "Economic Reform and Structural Change in Laos," Southeast Asian Affairs (1989), pp. 187-208. 
  • JOSEPH J. ZASLOFF and LEONARD UNGER (eds.), Laos: Beyond the Revolution (1991), examines political, economic, social, and foreign policies. Further information can be found in the annotated bibliography by HELEN CORDELL (compiler), Laos (1991);
  • ARTHUR J. DOMMEN, Laos: Keystone of Indochina (1985), is a brief general history, and his Conflict in Laos, rev. ed. (1971), a political history, focuses primarily on the period from the early 1950s to 1970;
  • HUGH TOYE, Laos (1968), depicts Laos' historic position between Vietnam and Thailand;
  • PAUL F. LANGER and JOSEPH J. ZASLOFF, North Vietnam and the Pathet Lao (1970), studies the role of communist North Vietnam in the origin and development of the Lao communist movement; 
  • JOSEPH J. ZASLOFF, The Pathet Lao (1973), examines the political dynamics of the group, its leadership, commanding party, front, political and administrative organizations, and military forces;
  • MARTIN STUART-FOX (ed.), Contemporary Laos (1982), is a collection of essays;
  • MacALISTER BROWN and JOSEPH J. ZASLOFF, Apprentice Revolutionaries: The Communist Movement in Laos, 1930-1985 (1985), provides a political analysis. 

  • R.S. MILNE and DIANE K. MAUZY, Malaysia (1986), is a comprehensive overview; 
  • OOI JIN-BEE, Peninsular Malaysia, new ed. (1976), offers a good geographic overview of the country; 
  • JAMES C. JACKSON, Sarawak (1968), is one of the few quality studies of the state. 
  • JUDITH NAGATA, Malaysian Mosaic: Perspectives from a Polyethnic Society (1979); 
  • KERNIAL SINGH SANDHU, Indians in Malaya: Some Aspects of Their Immigration and Settlement (1786-1957) (1969); 
  • HEATHER STRANGE, Rural Malay Women in Tradition and Transition (1981); 
  • HENG PEK KOON, Chinese Politics in Malaysia: A History of the Malaysian Chinese Association (1988);  
  • JAMES V. JESUDASON, Ethnicity and the Economy: The State, Chinese Business, and Multinationals in Malaysia (1989);
  • RAJ KUMAR, The Forest Resources of Malaysia, Their Economics and Development(1986); 
  • S. ROBERT AIKEN et al., Development and Environment in Peninsular Malaysia (1982), focus on both environmental concerns and economic development; 
  • MOHAMED ARIFF, The Malaysian Economy (1991); 
  • GEORGE CHO, The Malaysian Economy: Spatial Perspectives (1990); 
  • E.K. FISK and H. OSMAN-RANI (eds.), The Political Economy of Malaysia (1982); 
  • GORDON P. MEANS, Malaysian Politics: The Second Generation (1991); 
  • BARBARA WATSON ANDAYA and LEONARD Y. ANDAYA, A History of Malaysia (1982); 
  • A good survey is JOHN GULLICK, Malaysia: Economic Expansion and National Unity (1981); 
  • STEVEN RUNCIMAN, The White Rajahs: A History of Sarawak from 1841 to 1946 (1960); 
  • ROBERT PRINGLE, Rajahs and Rebels: The Ibans of Sarawak Under Brooke Rule, 1841-1941 (1970), provide excellent coverage of the Brooke era; 
  • PAUL WHEATLEY, The Golden Khersonese: Studies in the Historical Geography of the Malay Peninsula Before A.D. 1500 (1961, reprinted 1973), remains a classic work; 
  • LEONARD Y. ANDAYA, The Kingdom of Johor, 1641-1728 (1975), is a fine analysis of that sultanate; 
  • LIM TECK GHEE, Peasants and Their Agricultural Economy in Colonial Malaya, 1874-1941 (1977), treats economic history during the colonial era; 
  • WILLIAM R. ROFF, The Origins of Malay Nationalism (1967), is a stimulating work that explores Malay society in the colonial years; 
  • VICTOR PURCELL, The Chinese in Malaya (1948, reissued 1967), though somewhat dated, remains the only general survey; 
  • R.S. MILNE and DIANE K. MAUZY, Politics and Government in Malaysia, rev. ed. (1980), is particularly good on the late colonial and early independence periods.
(Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc)

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Nov 7, 2011

Histoire diplomatique de 1919 a nos jours

Original Title in French: Histoire diplomatique de 1919 a nos jours (Etudes politiques, economiques et sociales)
By Jean Baptiste Duroselle (Author)
Proposed English Title: History of Diplomacy from 1919 until today.
Publisher: Dalloz; 9th edition (1985)
ISBN-13: 978-2247006458
ISBN-10: 2247006450

Book review:
In France, this was a standard of diplomatic history: it documents what presidents, dictators, and foreign ministers did from 1919 to about 1979. It is an academic text that is designed for French students who must memorize these facts for exams at the various state schools for politics and international relations, i.e. the Instituts d'Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in various cities and L'ENA. To understand its purpose, one must understand what these exams entail: you stand in front of a professor and get grilled about any fact (from most trivial to most important) that is in this book. If you don't know something or fail to recall it quickly enough, the examiner can press further. So the student feels compelled to know it all. As such, this book was supremely useful as a single source to prepare for these exams, no matter how dull it was to read. I know because I went through this. From what I hear, Sciences Po have changed their curricula, so this kind of book may be less relevant today than it was 30 years ago. 
Now, if you are looking for a history of international relations - a wider view that looks for causes, sociological trends, undercurrents, etc. - then you should look elsewhere. I would not recommend this for pleasure or analysis, but the facts are there if you need them, wholly without color, without characters, without fun, without style.


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Nov 6, 2011

Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Cochin...

YourVietBooks: Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Cochin...: Indochina Discovery Cochin China (kō`chĭn, kŏ`–), Fr. Cochinchine , Historic region (c.26,500 sq mi/68,600 sq km) of Vietnam, SE Asia....

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Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Indoch...

YourVietBooks: Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Indoch...: Indochina, former federation of states, SE Asia It comprised the French colony of Cochin China and the French protectorates of Tonkin ,...

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Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: US inv...

YourVietBooks: Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: US inv...: Indochina Discovery Post Geneva Conference : US involvement in Vietnam The war began soon after the Geneva Conference provisionally...

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Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Laos

YourVietBooks: Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Laos: Indochina Discovery Laos Officially Lao People's Democratic Republic, republic (2005 est. pop. 6,217,000), 91,428 sq mi (236,800 sq km),...

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Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Laos

YourVietBooks: Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Laos: Indochina Discovery Laos Officially Lao People's Democratic Republic, republic (2005 est. pop. 6,217,000), 91,428 sq mi (236,800 sq km),...

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Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Cambod...

YourVietBooks: Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Cambod...: Indochina Discovery Cambodia (kămbō`dēə), Khmer Kampuchea, officially Kingdom of Cambodia, constitutional monarchy (2005 est. pop. 13,60...

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Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Cambod...

YourVietBooks: Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Cambod...: Indochina Discovery Cambodia under Sihanouk King Norodom Sihanouk abdicated in Mar., 1955, in order to enter politics; his father, Norodo...

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Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Cambod...

YourVietBooks: Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Cambod...: Cambodian Civil War In Apr., 1970, U.S. and South Vietnamese troops entered Cambodia to attack Communist bases and supply lines. U.S. grou...

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Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Khmer ...

YourVietBooks: Indochina Discovery - One Definition a Day: Khmer ...: Indochina Discovery Khmer Empire (kəmĕr`), ancient kingdom of SE Asia In the 6th cent. the Cambodians, or Khmers, established an empire ro...

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