Original Titles in English
- Perhaps the most reliable and up-to-date reference source on the country is Country Profile: Malaysia, Brunei (annual). A collection of papers on the country's natural resources and environment is found in a special issue of Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, vol. 13, no. 1 (June 1992);
- CHUA THIA-ENG, CHOU LOKE MING, and MARIE SOL M. SADORRA (eds.), The Coastal Environmental Profile of Brunei Darussalam (1987), includes articles on land use, population, and the institutional framework;
- TILAK DOSHI, "Brunei: The Steady State," Southeast Asian Affairs (1991), pp. 71-80;
- SRITUA ARIEF, The Brunei Economy (1986);
- D.E. BROWN, Brunei (1970), chronicles the history of the sultanate from the early 19th century to the late 1960s;
- RANJIT SINGH, Brunei, 1839-1983 (1984);
- K.U. MENON, "Brunei Darussalam in 1986: In Search of the Political Kingdom," Southeast Asian Affairs (1987), pp. 85-101, traces political developments in the first three years of full independence.
- ABU BAKAR HAMZAH, "Brunei Darussalam Continuity and Tradition,"Southeast Asian Affairs (1989), pp. 91-104;
- ZAINAL KLING, "The Changing International Image of Brunei," Southeast Asian Affairs (1990), pp. 89-100.
- RUSSELL R. ROSS (ed.), Cambodia: A Country Study, 3rd ed. (1990);
- DAVID P. CHANDLER, The Land and People of Cambodia (1992);
- MICHAEL VICKERY, Kampuchea: Politics, Economics, and Society (1986);
- JEAN DELVERT, Le Paysan cambodgien (1961), is a magisterial work;
- BEN KIERNAN and CHANTHOU BOUA (eds.), Peasants and Politics in Kampuchea, 1942-1981 (1982), is a useful anthology;
- RÉMY PRUD'HOMME, L'Économie du Cambodge (1969), is the only detailed study of the Cambodian economy and is still of historical interest;
- DAVID P. CHANDLER, A History of Cambodia, 2nd ed. (1992), traces the country's beginnings through the 1980s and is supplemented by his The Tragedy of Cambodian History (1991), a detailed political history since World War II;
- CLAUDE JACQUES, Angkor (1990);
- LAWRENCE PALMER BRIGGS, The Ancient Khmer Empire (1951, reprinted 1962);
- BEN KIERNAN, How Pol Pot Came to Power (1983);
- WILLIAM SHAWCROSS, Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia, rev. ed. (1987);
- KARL D. JACKSON (compiler), Cambodia, 1975-1978(1989);
- MICHAEL VICKERY, Cambodia, 1975-1982 (1984), probably the best book-length analysis of the revolutionary era.
- FRANK M. LeBAR and ADRIENNE SUDDARD (eds.), Laos, rev. ed. (1967), is a general survey;
- GRANT EVANS, Lao Peasants Under Socialism (1990), treats ethnography and economics;
- MARTIN STUART-FOX, Laos (1986), is the standard work, with good chapters on the economic system and domestic policies;
- A more current overview is found in WILLIAM WORNER, "Economic Reform and Structural Change in Laos," Southeast Asian Affairs (1989), pp. 187-208.
- JOSEPH J. ZASLOFF and LEONARD UNGER (eds.), Laos: Beyond the Revolution (1991), examines political, economic, social, and foreign policies. Further information can be found in the annotated bibliography by HELEN CORDELL (compiler), Laos (1991);
- ARTHUR J. DOMMEN, Laos: Keystone of Indochina (1985), is a brief general history, and his Conflict in Laos, rev. ed. (1971), a political history, focuses primarily on the period from the early 1950s to 1970;
- HUGH TOYE, Laos (1968), depicts Laos' historic position between Vietnam and Thailand;
- PAUL F. LANGER and JOSEPH J. ZASLOFF, North Vietnam and the Pathet Lao (1970), studies the role of communist North Vietnam in the origin and development of the Lao communist movement;
- JOSEPH J. ZASLOFF, The Pathet Lao (1973), examines the political dynamics of the group, its leadership, commanding party, front, political and administrative organizations, and military forces;
- MARTIN STUART-FOX (ed.), Contemporary Laos (1982), is a collection of essays;
- MacALISTER BROWN and JOSEPH J. ZASLOFF, Apprentice Revolutionaries: The Communist Movement in Laos, 1930-1985 (1985), provides a political analysis.
- R.S. MILNE and DIANE K. MAUZY, Malaysia (1986), is a comprehensive overview;
- OOI JIN-BEE, Peninsular Malaysia, new ed. (1976), offers a good geographic overview of the country;
- JAMES C. JACKSON, Sarawak (1968), is one of the few quality studies of the state.
- JUDITH NAGATA, Malaysian Mosaic: Perspectives from a Polyethnic Society (1979);
- KERNIAL SINGH SANDHU, Indians in Malaya: Some Aspects of Their Immigration and Settlement (1786-1957) (1969);
- HEATHER STRANGE, Rural Malay Women in Tradition and Transition (1981);
- HENG PEK KOON, Chinese Politics in Malaysia: A History of the Malaysian Chinese Association (1988);
- JAMES V. JESUDASON, Ethnicity and the Economy: The State, Chinese Business, and Multinationals in Malaysia (1989);
- RAJ KUMAR, The Forest Resources of Malaysia, Their Economics and Development(1986);
- S. ROBERT AIKEN et al., Development and Environment in Peninsular Malaysia (1982), focus on both environmental concerns and economic development;
- MOHAMED ARIFF, The Malaysian Economy (1991);
- GEORGE CHO, The Malaysian Economy: Spatial Perspectives (1990);
- E.K. FISK and H. OSMAN-RANI (eds.), The Political Economy of Malaysia (1982);
- GORDON P. MEANS, Malaysian Politics: The Second Generation (1991);
- BARBARA WATSON ANDAYA and LEONARD Y. ANDAYA, A History of Malaysia (1982);
- A good survey is JOHN GULLICK, Malaysia: Economic Expansion and National Unity (1981);
- STEVEN RUNCIMAN, The White Rajahs: A History of Sarawak from 1841 to 1946 (1960);
- ROBERT PRINGLE, Rajahs and Rebels: The Ibans of Sarawak Under Brooke Rule, 1841-1941 (1970), provide excellent coverage of the Brooke era;
- PAUL WHEATLEY, The Golden Khersonese: Studies in the Historical Geography of the Malay Peninsula Before A.D. 1500 (1961, reprinted 1973), remains a classic work;
- LEONARD Y. ANDAYA, The Kingdom of Johor, 1641-1728 (1975), is a fine analysis of that sultanate;
- LIM TECK GHEE, Peasants and Their Agricultural Economy in Colonial Malaya, 1874-1941 (1977), treats economic history during the colonial era;
- WILLIAM R. ROFF, The Origins of Malay Nationalism (1967), is a stimulating work that explores Malay society in the colonial years;
- VICTOR PURCELL, The Chinese in Malaya (1948, reissued 1967), though somewhat dated, remains the only general survey;
- R.S. MILNE and DIANE K. MAUZY, Politics and Government in Malaysia, rev. ed. (1980), is particularly good on the late colonial and early independence periods.
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