By Author: Kim Lefevre
Publisher: B. Barrault (1990)
Language: French
ISBN-10: 2736001257
ISBN-13: 978-2736001254
Same Title Second Edition
Publisher: Editions de l'Aube (May 25, 2001)
Language: French
ISBN-10: 2876786478
ISBN-13: 978-2876786479
About the Author:
Kim Lefèvre (1939?)
is a Vietnam-born French fiction writer, memoirist and translator from Vietnamese into French.
YourVietBooks is a selection of books and articles on and about Vietnam. Categories include: Culture, History, Vietnam War, Politics, Biographies, Contemporary Vietnam, International Relations, Doing Business in Vietnam, Reference and Languages, Zen Buddhism, Philosophy, Art and Literature.
Some articles are available only in English, French, German or Vietnamese. Our qualified and experienced translators can provide translations of e-books or articles on demand. Read more...
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Publisher: B. Barrault (1990)
Language: French
ISBN-10: 2736001257
ISBN-13: 978-2736001254
Same Title Second Edition
Publisher: Editions de l'Aube (May 25, 2001)
Language: French
ISBN-10: 2876786478
ISBN-13: 978-2876786479
About the Author:
Kim Lefèvre (1939?)
is a Vietnam-born French fiction writer, memoirist and translator from Vietnamese into French.
She was born in Hanoi of a Vietnamese mother and a French military officer whom she never knew. At 20, she emigrated to France and settled in Paris. Her works include:
- Métisse blanche, autobiography (Paris: Editions Bernard Barrault, 1989)
- Retour à la saison des pluies, autobiography (Paris: Bernard Barrault, 1990)
- Moi, Marina la Malinche, novel (Paris: Editions Stock, 1994)
- Histoire d'amour racontée avant l'aube, a translation of Dương Thu Hương's novel Truyện tình kể trước lúc rạng đông
- Conte d'amour un soir de pluie, stories by Nguyễn Huy Thiệp
- L'or et le feu, stories by Nguyễn Huy Thiệp
- La vengeance du loup, stories by Nguyễn Huy Thiệp
- Le coeur du tigre, stories by Nguyễn Huy Thiệp
- Un général à la retraite, stories by Nguyễn Huy Thiệp
- Quand on est jeune, stories by Phan Thị Vàng Anh
Kim Lefèvre online
- "Writing and Memory in Kim Lefèvre's Autobiographical Narratives" by Nathalie Huynh Chau Nguyen
- "Hybridity in Orientalism" by Phrae Chittiphalangsri
- "Métisse Blanche": entretien avec Kim Lefèvre
- Entretien avec Kim Lefèvre sur Un Monde a Lire
- Entretien avec Kim Lefèvre sur Eurasie
YourVietBooks is a selection of books and articles on and about Vietnam. Categories include: Culture, History, Vietnam War, Politics, Biographies, Contemporary Vietnam, International Relations, Doing Business in Vietnam, Reference and Languages, Zen Buddhism, Philosophy, Art and Literature.
Some articles are available only in English, French, German or Vietnamese. Our qualified and experienced translators can provide translations of e-books or articles on demand. Read more...
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