Apr 1, 2015

IR: One Definition A Day - ASEAN

ONE DEFINITION A DAY is a campaign by YourVietBooks.com to encourage young Vietnamese talents to practise their translation skills and learn more on Vietnam's Culture, the Land and the People. 
Translation: Volunteers are welcome to contribute their translated version of today's DEFINITION in the 'comments' below.

One Definition a Day: ASEAN

"ASEAN (Association of South East Nations) was formed in 1967, following the Bangkok Declaration of 8 August by the foreign ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Brunei joined in 1984 and Vietnam in 1995. Papua New Guinea has observer status. The original agreement were strengthened and extended at the Bali summit of February 1976. A secretariat was established and agreement was reached on the outline of a trade bloc. Internally, ASEAN covers a spectrum of economies which have one thing in common - actual and potential economic dynamism. 

The whole Pacific Basin has witnessed the most impressive economic growth rates globally over the last two decades, within this region South East Asia shown the greatest self-awareness of the need for cooperation and coordination of policy in both the military-security and wealth-welfare contexts. Structurally, China and Japan threaten to dominate the sub-region in both these key issues areas. The ASEAN states have sought to balance against this putative domination by involving the entire Pacific basin and outside parties such as the European Union and the United States in regional diplomacy. The ending of the Cold War, the demise of the Soviet Union and what many see as the hesitancy within the USA to exercise leadership might be seen as exacerbating these needs. 

1993 witnessed two key developments that were headed by ASEAN: the formation of the ASEAN Regional Forum, which linked the ASEAN States with eleven Pacific Basin countries plus the EU, and the institutionalisation of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, often referred as APEC with the establishment of a Secretariat in Singapore."

(Source : Dictionary of International Relations, Penguin (1998) by Authors Graham Evans and Jeffrey Newnham, pp. 35-36.)

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