Aug 23, 2011

Insight Vietnam Episode 15, clip 2 of 2 - The Pharmaceutical Market in V...

YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Business & Management. Titles are available in English, French, German and Vietnamese.
YourVietBooks is a Division of Saigon Business Corporation Pte Ltd - Singapore.
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Insight Vietnam Episode 15, clip 1 of 2 - The Pharmaceutical Market in V...

YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Business & Management. Titles are available in English, French, German and Vietnamese.
YourVietBooks is a Division of Saigon Business Corporation Pte Ltd - Singapore.
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Aug 4, 2011

The Other Side of Midnight: The Fundamental Principle of Polarity.

Original Title in English
By Author: Dillon Masters 

About the Book:

“The Other Side…” tells how the principle of polarity, when correctly understood, can transform our sense of conflict into harmony and show us how to solve the many problems we face today. This vision moves us from delusion to clarity and provides us with the means to meet our challenges with respect, dignity and truth. Moving from bad dreams (our present reality) to good dreams (our opportunity) is a matter of waking up to the integral nature of connectivity between ubiquitous polarity, regardless of venue ⎯ physical or metaphysical. While primarily a Zen thesis, the author employs material from Christian mystics, other Buddhists and even quantum physics to state his case. Read More

About the Author: 
Dillon Masters was born in 1940 and cut his Zen teeth 30 years ago while living in a Zen Monastery in the Catskill mountains of upstate New York. It was there at Dai Bosatsu that he awakened to the Buddhist understanding of reality following a major spiritual and emotional crisis which brought him to the edge of death. More details

Other books by same author:

  • The River: An Allegorical Take of Becoming 
  •  MoreOver. Finding Your Worth between Excess
  • The non-Identity Crisis


YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Business & Management. Titles are available in English, French, German and Vietnamese.
YourVietBooks is a Division of Saigon Business Corporation Pte Ltd - Singapore.
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Aug 3, 2011

Philosophy: Analysing The Causes and Effects of Life

Original Title in Vietnamese. Quán xét nhân duyên đời sống
By Ven. Thích Toàn Châu
Proposed English Title: Analysing The Causes and Effects of Life
By Translator : Anh Tho Andres

Original text in Vietnamese:

Nhận thức đổi thay thì định hướng đời sống cũng theo đó mà đổi thay. 
Phật học gọi đó là CHUYỂN.
Muốn chuyển đời sống, phải chuyển nghiệp;
Muốn chuyển nghiệp, phải chuyển tri kiến hay nhận thức,
Hay khai sáng tri kiến la điều cần thiết nhất của sự chuyển hóa đời sống.

English Translation by Anh Tho

Changing your perception will change your orientation in life. 
In Buddhism, this process is called CHANGE or TRANSFORMATION;
To transform your life, you have to change your karma/kamma;
To change your karma, you have to change your knowledge or perception.
Enlightening your knowledge is the most important thing to do in order to change your life orientation.

Part One: Nguyên lý và hiện tượng đời sống
1. Nhận thức định hướng đời sống
2. Phật pháp đối với nhận thức
3. Tội lỗi của xấu ác với mê muội
4. Tu, một tiến trình chuyển hóa
5. Đời sống đứng trước thời đại khoa học
6. Thảm họa đầu tiên, lớn nhất đến với Phật giáo và nhân loại
7. Đời sống là pháp duyên sanh
8. Đức Phật là vị siêu tôn giáo, siêu tư tưởng
9. Bổn giác chẳng giữ tự tánh

Part Two: Tập đế với đời sống
1. Nhân và duyên của đời sống tập đế
2. Tâm thức là nhân tố của mọi hiện tượng
3. Căn nguyên của nghiệp thức mê vọng
4. Bất giác với nghiệp nhân sanh tử
5. Năng kiến với năng duyên
6. Tập đế qua duyên khởi pháp
7. Trước thực trạng mê vọng của chúng sanh 

Part Three: Cần dùng phật pháp di chuyển tập đế
1. Cần lìa xa ác pháp
2. Do đâu khó lìa ác pháp
3. Phước thiện hữu lậu còn xa thánh đạo
4. Xác định rõ thiện ác trong ta
5. Giải trừ xấu ác cần dụng đức hạnh
6. Càng nhiều ác nhân, càng lắm khổ quả
7. Y báo xấu bởi chánh báo xấu
8. Giá trị của chánh tri kiến
9. Nhiếp thọ chánh pháp
10. Vọng tưởng với chánh kiến
11. Hết thảy đều từ duyên khởi pháp
12. Pháp duyên khởi đầu tiên của chúng sanh.

Đạo hửu Nguyên Duyên chép và dịch sách này ra tiếng Anh - nguyện hồi hướng công đức này cùng tất cả chúng sanh đều chóng thành phật đạo. English Translation by Anh Tho Andres, alias Nguyên Duyên, as a contribution to the buddhist community (coming up).

YourVietBooks is a collection of books on Vietnam for Readers who are interested in Vietnam's History, Culture, Language, Business & Management. Titles are available in English, French, German and Vietnamese. We promote Higher Education & Young Talents of Vietnam.
YourVietBooks is a Division by Saigon Business Corporation Pte Ltd - Singapore. Find out more about our translation and consulting services under

Aug 2, 2011

IR - One Definition A Day: Taiwan Economic Miracle

IR - One Definition A Day: 
Source: Wikipedia
Taiwan Miracle

The Taiwan Miracle (traditional Chinese台灣奇蹟 or 臺灣奇蹟pinyinTáiwān Qíjì) or Taiwan Economic Miracle refers to the rapidindustrialization and economic growth of Taiwan during the latter half of the twentieth century. As it has developed alongside Singapore,South Korea and Hong Kong, Taiwan became known as one of the "Four Asian Tigers".


After a period of hyperinflation in the late 1940s when the Kuomintang (KMT) military regime of Chen Yi overprinted the new Taiwan Yuan against the previous Japan Taiwan Yen, it became clear that a new and stable currency was needed. When the KMT government retreated to Taiwan after the loss of mainland China in the Chinese Civil War, it brought the part of precious metal and foreign currency reserve of mainland China to the island. Although war-ravaged China had held only a very small reserve - some $170 million in all[1], those reserves helped to establish a gold-standard reserve currency in Taiwan, which in turn helped to stabilize prices and reduce hyperinflation. More importantly, many of the Chinese intellectual and business elites moved with KMT to the island[citation needed] The Japanese had built up the agricultural and industrial infrastructure as well as chemical, material, and food reserves on the island that allowed the elite of the KMT supporters to jumpstart their own economic endeavors. Along with the $4 billion in financial aid and soft credit provided by the US (as well as the indirect economic stimulus of US food and military aid) over the 1945-1965 period [1], Taiwan had the necessary capital to restart its economy. Further, the KMT government instituted many laws and land reforms that it had never effectively enacted on mainland China.