International Trade Law
- Braithwaite, John (2000). Global Business Regulation. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 704 pages. ISBN 0521780330.
- Clendenning, Robert J. (1997). Analyse des mécanismes de règlement des différents commerciaux internationaux et conséquences pour l’Accord canadien sur le commerce extérieur. Ottawa, Industrie Canada, Document hors série #19, 65 pages. ISBN 0662632257.
- Correa, Carlos Maria, Yusuf, Abdulqawi (1998). Intellectual Property and International trade the TRIPs Agreement. London, Kluwer Law International, 469 pages. ISBN 904110707X.
- Deblock, Christian (eds) (2002). L’Organisation mondiale du commerce: Où s’en va la mondialisation ? Montréal, Éditions Fides, 298 pages. ISBN 2-7621-2470-0.
- Dennin, Joseph F. (2003). Law & Practice of the World Trade Organization. New York, Oceana Publication. ISBN 0379213583.
- Devlin, R. and Estevadeordal, A.(2001). “What's New in the New Regionalism in the Americas?” Inter-American Development Bank, Working Paper 6, 49 p.
- Jackson, John Woward (1998). The World Trade Organization: Constitution and Jurisprudence. London, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 193 pages. ISBN 1855673533.
- Jackson, John Woward (2000). The Jurisprudence of GATT and the WTO: Insights on Treaty Law and Economic Relations. Cambridge (England), Cambridge University Press, 497 pages. ISBN 0521620562.
- Hart, Michael M. (2003). A Trading Nation: Trade Policy from Colonialism to Globalization. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press.
- Hart, Michael M., Dymond, William A. (2002). NAFTA Chapter 11: Precedents, Principles and Prospects. (non publié). Carlton University :
- Ritchie Dawson, Laura (eds) (2003). Whose Rights ? The NAFTA 11 Chapter Debate.
- Messerlin, Patrick A. (1995). La nouvelle organisation mondiale du commerce. Paris, Dunod, 368 pages. ISBN 2100026135.
- Mistelis, Loukas A. (2001). Foundations and Perspectives of International Trade Law. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 567 pages. ISBN 0421741007.
- Pace, Virgile (2000). L’Organisation mondiale du commerce et le renforcement de la réglementation juridique des échanges internationaux. Paris, Harmattan, 480 pages. ISBN 27384877610.
- Trebicock, Michael J., Howse, Robert (1999). The Regulation of International Trade. London, Routledge, 612 pages. ISBN 041518498.
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